Friday, December 2, 2011

What is an Entrepreneur ?

In case you haven't noticed, for the past three years, business STINKS!  A lot of layoffs. Unemployment is high(9%).  And yet, a lot of people are looking to go into their own business.  Might as well give it a try, there aren't any jobs. So you want to be an entrepreneur? OK, here's what you will need:  A vision of the future, what's out there for me? A positive attitude , total confidence you will succeed, and, have no fear!
(When this country was started, 90% of the populace were business owners. Today, 10% are business owners. Why? A lot of risk, a lot of hard work, and most people are happy with a job.  They don't want to risk losing what they have). That's what makes being an entrepreneur very special. You need your independence! You would rather give orders then take orders. You know you will pay a price, but the thought of building your own business and the success that could follow, is too much to resist. It's in your gut, you MUST drive forward.  You MUST win!
Is this you? Are you crazy enough to try it on your own? Got the guts? If so, I want to hear from you. Let's talk about your business.
This blog is new.  I haven't tried this before. Here I go again, another new business. What is the first thing i must do to get this blog off the ground? The answer is in the past blogs I wrote. Show me what you have learned. 
Some feed back?

Your business guru,


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