Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

I have had a hard time believing 2011 is just about over, I am looking forward to 2012. But, I was thinking of this past year, and what all has happened in the world and how lucky we all are to live in America. Christmas is a good time to remember family and friends and be thankful for what we have.I don't know if you  have given any thought to way this country thrives on all different peoples, religions, and nationalities  while the rest of the world is killing them selves.We are very different, us Americans,but why? Mainly our system of government, where the people are in control, not the government! Free speech, freedom to worship OUR god,rule of law.That's why everyone wants to come here. We Americans complain a lot, ( we have that right!). but we would never change the way we live. God has truly blessed this country.
Next year we are going to push our businesses to another level, we have the freedom to do that and more. But  for now,may I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

Your Business guru


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