Monday, December 26, 2011

The new entrepreneur

With high unemployment and few jobs to be had ,the new entrepreneur is showing up .A new study reveals that 25 million Americans age 44 to 70 hope to start a new business or nonprofit in the next 5 years or so. Some people have decided, instead of looking for a new job, and selling their services for less money, they are going to try to do their own thing. This is what built America!  What kind of business do you go into? I think you should go with your strengths and what you love to do. Something your good at. Where to start. Get your self in good shape,running a new business is hard work. Make sure you are financially sound, no credit card debt,outstanding loans, etc. This helps keep your overhead down for when you start up your new business.Find out if there are any programs out there that can help you, maybe get a grant for hiring people, from your local government, check universities, economic development  agencies. Take all the help you can get. Look for funding in all different places. But, must of all NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK ! The more people you talk to  the more contacts you make. Now, you are building your business!
Good Luck

Your Business Guru

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