Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Agricultural lending

I don't  know if you noticed, agricultural lending is hot! Farming is finally working for the small farmer. They are getting good prices for there products. In other areas commercial lending is still hard to get for small businesses.We had discussed in the past about community banks not lending. So, as a small business what do you do if you need funds to carry you forward until the recession ends? Banks want to see profits and strong financials for the past three years plus a YTD. Maybe we should all go into the farming business. I don't see much changing till the election in 2012. until then we just have to persevere. There are commercial lenders  out there who do lend to small companies, there rates may be higher, but you can get the money you need. If you are not sure what to do, send me an email at jg@beltwaydevelopment.com.  I will respond quickly.  Maybe I can help.  I haven't written in a week, mainly because I have been working on getting this blogging stuff to work. I think I have it working now! So, lets talk about business and MONEY!

Your Business guru

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