Friday, December 30, 2011

American Innovation

If you watched Jeopardy, you saw IBM's computer, Watson, beat two of the very best champions in competition on TV. Watson is now being looked at by the healthcare industry to help suggest treatment options and diagnoses to doctors. Northrop Grumman has developed a drone that is run by computer, (no pilot). It can land and take off on a carrier at sea. It is nearly invisible to enemy radar. At M.I.T., they have developed the Leveraged Freedom Chair to be used in developing countries where a normal wheel chair is impracticable.  Built with bicycle parts, it has a leverage system designed to muscle over hard terrain...cost: about $100.00.  The Sapien Heart Valve, made by Edwards Lifesicences, does for aortic valves what the stent did for clogged arteries. Approved by the FDA on Nov. 2, this is the first replacement heart valve delivered via catheter through either a leg artery or minor chest surgery, rather then open heart surgery.

All this comes from great ideas of large or small businesses which started with an entrepreneur with a vision.

What are you doing in 2012?

Your Business Guru,

Source:  WJS

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