Monday, February 13, 2012

A Political Finding

My subject matter is a little different today, not as much business as politics. I am straying from my course of small business, BUT, I have no choice. Last week our President crossed the line in trying to dictate to the catholic church to pay for all employees in hospitals and charities for contraception . This goes against all beliefs of the church, that is a first  amendment right in the Constitution. Where he thinks he gets the authority to do this is appears this administration is trying to regulate all sections of our  economy, even the right to religious freedom. Starting with heath care,(obamacare) to financial,( Dodd Frank bill), to NLRB siding with unions and environmentalists stopping the  Keystone pipe Line. The tactics he is using are the same tactics that FDR used in the 30's/40's, after the depression, they did not work then, they are not working now, what got us out then was WAR! Please bear with me on my rantings, but ,i cannot wait for Nov. 2012.

Your Business Guru


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